Saturday, May 28, 2016

Turn the Page

This time of year is a time of transition. It is the season of the year when we think of weddings, graduations, the ending of one phase of life and the beginning of something new.

Some of the changes we experience are changes for which we have been waiting. We dream of leaving high school and going off to college. We dream of leaving college and starting our dream job in our dream city while living in our dream apartment. We long to begin a life together with a very special someone. We wanted and longed for these changes. Sometimes all our dreams come true; sometimes our reality life doesn’t match the one we had in our dreams.

Some of our changes are risky. We may find that our dream paycheck isn’t part of our dream job. We find a flaw in the perfect someone with whom we plan to spend the rest of our life. We learn that keeping in touch with former classmates is much harder than simply promising we will.
Some changes we can put off: We can postpone the wedding in hopes of becoming more certain. We can delay our move away from home to the dream city, dream job, and dream apartment.
But, sometimes our future comes upon us even when we would like for it to wait. Life becomes a conveyor belt, and we are on it traveling at a predetermined speed.

When your road is long, when daylight turns to dusk and the trail becomes hard to see, when the path becomes more steep than what you were prepared for, when fellow travelers drop out or drop off and you feel you must journey on alone, for all those times, the good ones and the difficult ones, there is a Father to give you strength, a Son to redirect you to the correct path, and a Spirit to offer you guidance and encouragement. Remember, Jesus became like one of us, not to remind us only of God’s Sovereignty, but to demonstrate God’s community with us and compassion for us!

                                                                                    Pastor Craig